Getting Bigger

We are growing . . . yet again!
So much to do, so little space—we are simply running out of room for all our fabulous design projects. In fact, to accommodate them all we are adding another issue to next year’s schedule. Look for NYC&G in March, April, May/ June, September, October, November, and December in 2014.
We have had a wonderful year of community, charity, and design-related events, so many that I feel as if I have met virtually every reader of NYC&G! But that’s no surprise, dear readers, as you make the world go round by enhancing our mission. I have had the privilege of spending time with you at design-themed fundraisers for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, Cerebral Palsy of Westchester, the Greater New York Chapter of the Red Cross, the Ronald McDonald House of Long Island, the New York Junior League, and many more. It will be my honor to work with and have fun alongside you again next year. See you then!