C&G readers outbuy the nation’s “affluents”

Last month, we asked you to tell us who you are, how you feel about the maga- zine and a little bit about your buying habits. We wanted to find out how HC&G readers compare with the nation’s “affluents,” as identified in our home Luxury Report con- ducted by Unity marketing. ■ I am overwhelmed by the response—not only from your willingness to go to our website and fill out a questionnaire, but also by the number of you who emailed us directly saying, “Bravo!” ■ We ran a similar study at the beginning of the year in Connecticut Cottages & Gardens, and the results were impressive. the buying patterns of C&G readers show purchase patterns four to nine times higher than the nation’s “affluents” for furniture, art and antiques, home décor, fabrics, wall and window coverings, and garden and outdoor products. ■ We’re looking forward to learning more about what you–our hamptons readers–think about the magazine and what you’re planning to buy. For those who haven’t yet filled out our questionnaire, go to hcandg.com and take the survey. You might win a $1,000 gift certificate from Ligne Roset! ■ We plan to share our findings with you next month, and we’re conducting a series of meetings to share our detailed readership findings, as well as the home Luxury Report, with manufacturers and retailers. Don’t hesitate to call me and let me know how this information can help your business.

P.s. Keep an eye out for HC&G’s Reader Panel. to learn more, and to become a member, visit our reader panel sign-up page at hcandg.com/invitation.php.

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