The Numbers Are In!

Marianne Howaston, CEO Letter SFCandGC&G editorial director D. J. Carey recently hosted a “Design Salon” at Philip Johnson’s Glass House in New Canaan, Connecticut, with attendees including designers Thom Filicia, Matthew Patrick Smyth, Anthony Baratta, Philip Gorrivan, Charlotte Barnes, Catherine Cleare, Amanda Nisbet, Patricia Healing, Barbara Hauben-Ross, and Linherr Hollingsworth, as well as home-furnishings manufacturers Crans Baldwin of EF+LM and Terri Eagle of Schumacher. Many on the panel reported that business is booming as real estate sales have rebounded. To paraphrase Baldwin, the good news is that “our clients will come back more and more as real estate starts to sell again.”

It comes as no surprise, then, that the correlation between real estate sales and the fortunes of designers and manufacturers underscores the results of our very own NYC&G Real Estate Survey 2013. Conducted at the beginning of this year, the survey found that 75 percent of our audience reads our trademark “Deeds & Don’ts” real estate column to keep them informed about the real estate market, and 75 percent of them have taken action in response to real estate advertising or editorial coverage in NYC&G, often looking up properties online for more information or mentioning featured properties to friends, relatives, or colleagues.

The big news is that 48 percent of our readers plan to buy
a primary residence in the next six months to two years, and 86 percent plan to use professional services—from builders and contractors to designers, architects, and landscape designers—in the next 12 months. And so the cycle continues.

That’s wonderful news for all of us, particularly area Realtors. For information on our readers’ plans to buy and sell properties, buy vacation homes, and more, contact me for a copy of the survey results.


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