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Marianne Howaston, CEO Letter SFCandGThe number-one topic of conversation around dinner tables in the Hamptons is real estate” declared the founder of sister publication HC&G (Hamptons Cottages & Gardens) 15 years ago when the magazine debuted with its “Deeds & Don’ts” real estate column, replete with the tantalizing inside scoop on area steals and deals. He was right—and the interest is not confined to the Hamptons, as we in San Francisco know so well!

Since then, the “Deeds & Don’ts” column has reached iconic status and appears in all our titles, online and in newsletters.

A resounding 63 percent of you, dear readers, have taken action in response to “Deeds & Don’ts” editorial, as well as advertising in print and on That’s not surprising, as 50 percent of you are in the market to buy a home in the next two years, and 40 percent of you look to buy an investment or vacation property.

So great is the demand for the latest scoop that we will move our “Deeds & Don’ts” newsletter to a daily frequency. Shortly, each morning inboxes across the country will receive “dailyDeeds” with the latest news to keep you ahead of everybody else. Go to to get your “dailyDeeds” sent to you now!marianne-signatureceo-letter-composite


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