The Pride of CT

As Governor Malloy addressed the assembled group in the foyer of the Governor’s Residence on Prospect Avenue in Hartford, I was struck by the audience’s expressions. The governor was saying that he and his wife, Cathy, were genuinely appreciative of the monumental effort that had been made by Connecticut’s design community under the direction of Connecticut Cottages & Gardens Editorial Director D.J. Carey to redecorate the 17 public rooms in the Residence, pool house and guest cottage. ■ And the home was splendid indeed. Fit for a Governor. Fit for the next Governor and fit for the people of Connecticut. We called it the People’s Project, as the building is not only a home for the First Family, but also a focal point and meeting place for countless nonprofit groups, businesses and charities. ■ The listening group was made up of Connecticut’s premier designers, manufacturers and retailers who had, for months, busied themselves making someone else’s home fabulous. All of them contributed their products and services at no charge. ■ By any measure their contributions were significant and the expressions on their faces showed pleasure and genuine pride. Even in these unsettled times, they had found the strength and resources to contribute in a meaningful way to their community. ■ Take some time this holiday season to visit the Residence and see for yourself the results of this wonderful collaboration.

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