Think Pink

When I was publisher of Self magazine in the late ’80s, we petitioned the mayor of New York City to proclaim October Breast Cancer Awareness Month in New York. Our editor-in-chief, Alexandra Penney, invited Evelyn Lauder to guest edit the October issue on breast cancer. From those beginnings, came national Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the pink ribbon and the enormous fundraising effort led by Evelyn Lauder. ■ Over the past 20-plus years, much has been done and much has still to be done. ■ So when Andrew Mitchell-Namdar approached CTC&G to help launch a new initiative to compassionately assist area women in need who are diagnosed with breast cancer, it was, in the words of Yogi Berra, “déjà-vu all over again.” We were in, and Pink Aid was born. ■ The Pink Aid luncheon at Mitchells hosted by Robin Roberts of Good Morning America, and featuring an Escada fashion show, was brought to a new level by advertising director Amy Tambini who had the idea of asking our fantastic design community to participate by creating and donating pink chairs for VIP seating, to be auctioned off afterward. What an incredible response: Vicente Wolf in New York, Young Huh (Innovation in Design Award winner), Lynne Scalo, Catherine Cleare and Dovecote from Westport, Skye Kirby of Lillian August and Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams of Greenwich, Elissa Grayer from Rye plus many more. You will see it all in a special promotion section in our November issue. ■ To the luncheon attendees, to those who will sit in the chairs and others who will buy them, and to the many who are contributing their time and creativity, a big thank-you from all of us.

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