Hudson Fling

A couple of weeks ago I drove up the Hudson Valley to see how NYC&G was being received in the town of Hudson, a nexus for great antiques and stylish shopping. Our company’s magazines are beloved because of their sense of place, and it is important for us to know that we have established a true intimacy with readers on their home turf. CTJAN13aI spent the day on Warren Street, browsing art and antiques stores of all genres, and talked with the shopkeepers, many of whom carry the magazine. Several were impressed with their neighbor Michael Van Horn’s home in Chatham, featured in our September issue, and proudly pointed out that he is a friend and loyal customer of theirs. Sutter Antiques, Ad Lib Antiques, Foley & Cox, Hedstrom & Judd, TK Home and Garden, the huge Hudson Supermarket, and N. P. Trent Antiques, a Palm Beach dealer who recently relocated north, were all a delight. I dropped in at CM Cherry and found Claude in his meticulous store surrounded by an array of glittering “hand-blown” oil candles. They burn liquid paraffin and were placed in antique inkwells and other vintage vessels dating from 1895 to the 1940s (I immediately bought a bunch). Oh, and people walking around town declared NYC&G to be a beautiful hit!

So hop in the car or get on the train and travel to the Hudson Valley this month. Take in the beauty of the leaves and shop till you drop!


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